You want to contribute to rchie? Great!
Please submit questions, bug reports, and requests in the issues tracker. Please submit bug reports with a minimal reprex.
Note that this package wraps archieml-js, by the New York Times so many actual parser errors are best reported there. Suggestions to change the ArchieML spec should be discussed under the issues at
If you plan to contribute code, go ahead and fork the repo and submit a pull request. A few notes:
- This package is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By participating in this project you agree to abide by its terms. Why? We want contribution to be enjoyable and rewarding for everyone!
- If you have large change, please open an issue first to discuss.
- I’ll generally include contributors as authors in the DESCRIPTION file (with their permission) for most contributions that go beyond small typos in code or documentation.
- This package generally uses the rOpenSci packaging guidelines for style and structure.
- Documentation is generated by roxygen2. Please write documentation in code files and let it auto-generate documentation files. We use a recent version so documentation my be written in markdown
- We aim for testing that has high coverage and is robust. Include tests with any major contribution to code. Test your changes the package with goodpractice before submitting your change.
- I’m avoiding too many dependencies. If there’s some fancy extension you’d like to add make it optional using
statements and placing the dependency in Suggests:
, as is currently done for the Google Drive functionality.
I don’t have big plans to expand rchie, but here are some things that might happen at some point if someone is inclined to tackle them.
- I’d love to have some more examples. If you have a project that uses rchie that you’d like to share, please let me know! I’ll link to it or perhaps make a vignette.
- It might be fun to build a pure R or C++ parser and not require V8 or any system requirements.
- It would be useful to parse value fields in Google Docs so as to get links (as this archieml-js example), or even translate other formatting to markdown. This would require downloading the Google Doc as HTML, parsing and converting it.
- Since the package already contains the Javascript of archieml-js, it might be neat to create an htmlwidget that injects this into the page of an R Markdown or Shiny app, and makes the data from a Google Doc or other source available so the page live-updates.